I'm sure you have noticed by now that in almost every outfit post I am prominatnly wearing lia sophia jewelry. That is not by chance. In addition to being a FABULOUS FASHION BLOGGER ;-) , I am also a lia sophia advisor. After ending a 10 year career in retail last summer, I yearned for a way to keep myself connected to the industry, but not have all of my time monopolized. A friend of mine, had been selling lia sophia for about 4 years. My mom and I had hosted shows before and I had purchased the pieces, but I never thought of selling it. Honestly I thought, it was going to be another pyramid scheme where you end up spending more money on inventory than making money. Also, I didn't want my success level to be dependent upon how many people I signed up.
After speaking with my friend and truly finding out about the business, I immediately knew it was for me. At the time I began my lia sophia business, it cost $124 plus tax and shipping. That was the best money I have ever spent in my entire life. With that I received $1000 dollars worth of jewelry and everything I needed to get started. Although I enjoy making money doing something I love, I mainly love interacting and sharing my love of jewelry with ladies in their homes and online. If you are looking for away to interact with other people or just to build your confidence, then lia sophia may be for you. For more information or to order jewelry visit my website:
See you on the front row...
Parker S. <3
Ransom Cuff/Curio Necklace |
Elena Stretch Bracelet/Rock Crystal Hematite Necklace |
Sweet Spot, Rue & Swiss Dots Stretch Bracelets/Laguna Necklace |
For You, by Debbie Bangles/Mirage Necklace |
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