Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Gucci Mane: A Tale of Redemption, Love and the Greatest Comeback of All Time

I want to preface this post by saying I'm not a connoisseur of Gucci Mane, but over the past year I have developed an appreciation for him as an artist and for being the ultimate comeback kid. I don't discuss artists that often as its not really my lane, but I've felt compelled to right this piece for quite sometime. 

Many of you know Radric Davis, aka Gucci Mane, for being a pioneer of trap music. You don't have to be an Atlantan to understand his contribution to the industry and appreciate his rap style. For the better part of a decade he has dominated the charts with hits like Wasted & I Think I love Her and rose to international acclaim. 

Photo via Gucci's Instagram @laflare1017

Now, it's no secret that in the music industry, drugs, alcohol and excess trap many artists. Gucci Mane was not immune. Over the years he was involved in many run-ins with the law and ultimately went to federal prison for over 2 years on a gun charge. I'm not going to even attempt to scratch the surface of that as there are far too many details that aren't pertinent to this particular story. 

Prior to going away, he had amassed such and impressive catalogue of music that he remained relevant by continuously releasing new music while incarcerated. This was the beginning of the redemption. He made over a million dollars while in jail and when he was released on May 26, 2016 he recorded & released the single "First Day Out of the Feds." 

"In 12 hours this single had over 900,000 streams on SoundCloud and surpassed 1 million in the first 24 hours. (Gary Suarez, Forbes Contributor)"  Although I was familiar with his music, this is when my true appreciation began. When this artist who had spent the better part of his career marred in controversy was gracing the pages of Forbes online, how could you not take notice?

Photo Via Forbes Online

As time passed, photos emerged of a noticeably thinner Gucci whose demeanor appeared to be more calm and focused. Behind every great man is a strong woman, and his longtime leading lady Keyshia Ka'oir has been by his side through it all. She also isn't riding the coat tails of her man, but has amassed a very lucrative fitness and beauty empire. 

Photos via Gucci's Instagram @laflare1017

Watching  the evolution of Gucci has been inspiring to say the least. Over the past year his once prominent facial tattoos have faded away, a gold grill has been replace with rows of pearly whites, and his style is the perfect balance of designer whimsy meets street chic. It's so refreshing to see his new life play out on social media. "The Wopsters"  are living life on their own terms and smiling all the way to the bank. 

Photo via Gucci's Instagram @laflare1017
The tale of Gucci Mane is endearing. No matter what you've done or been through, you can find redemption. By focusing on your purpose and surrounding yourself with people who believe in you, anything is possible. Throughout it all, Gucci has remained true to himself as an artist and is now using the pitfalls of his past as the stepping stones to his promising future.  

Congratulations Gucci & Keyshia! I'll definitely save the date 10/17/17 to see your wedding air on BET!

Photos via Keyshia's instagram @keyshiakaoir


Parker S. 

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